Monday, March 26, 2018

The Chronicles Of Timbletin- An Exciting Birthday Gift

Chapter 1
Its my birthday!

Are you awake my boy?
Timbletin had been startled and looked up at a hairy face.
I brought you some water and thought you might be thirsty.
Thanks,Timbletin said and drank his fill from the homeless mans canteen.
Filling isn't it the man asked Timbletin.
Why yes very.
I thought i would refresh you and give you this.
A letter?
Why yes Timbletin it is important the king told me my boy.
                 The letter read
Dear Timbletin
Your services have been honorable.
Your birthday today is it not?
I would like to reward you for your services.
Meet me tomorrow at the castle.
The king

Chapter 2
The next morning

Morning had broke rain showers spotted and a long walk to the castle.
Timbletin packed up camp in his tie rope bag.
Only enough to pack a sleeping bag,a deer hide tarp,a spair armor dress and a few other essentials.
Timbletin after packed had walked Sun up to Sun after midday and reached the castle gates where he spoke to a well armored guard wearing amazingly sleek steel armor head to toe who said let him in.
The king stood just at the other side of the entry gates.
My king.
Nice to see you.
And you too old friend.
Lets take a walk Timbletin.

Chapter 3
 The holy temple

Timbletin and the king,king armonous,they had walked to the center of the inner castles structural wonders to a holy mirage of a display of Christ himself.
Treasures,they were scattered the temple about.
Do you know why i brought you here Timbletin?
No my king.
I brought you here Timbletin to put you in my temple.
I see my king.
There! A picture of you is now within the castle temples treasure,but,i also brought you here to give you an estate within the city.
An estate my king?
Why yes! Your own house.
Thank you my king.
No no thank you Timbletin.

 Chapter 4
A new home

Timbletin received a key to an estate and his picture amongst holy treasures within the castles holy temple.
Timbletin and the king walked to his new estate.
Taxes for his estate were prepaid forever and his services were now becoming more recognized than ever before.
The key turned the wood crafted door of the estate and opened to a fully crafted steel furnished house with plumbing and the works.
Timbletin,he even had treasure chests of his own to store adventurers treasure in and the king left Timbletin to his estate with honor and respect.
Timbletin finally has a place to call home.

                   The End
           To be continued